Taronga Zoo

The Taronga Zoo is a bit far from Sydney's CBD. You could go there by bus or by ferry. We took the ferry because it is faster, and the place is within the "red zone". At that time, the admission fee was about AU$30. Fortunately, I got this brochure from the airport that had discount coupons and one of those coupons entitled a 20% discount on the zoo's admission fee. ^-^

Since the port is sort of located at the back of the zoo, we had to take the cable car to go to the front part. It was my first time to ride on a cable car and I was terrified! I was later on surprised that the ride was not that scary after all. ^-^

At the front gate of zoo, a giant koala greeted us. ^-^ We then fell in line and paid AU$2 to take a closer look at the live koalas but regretted doing this because we were not allowed to touch them. We didn't even get a very good picture of the koala because they were sleeping and the leaves partially hid them!

I already forgot all the animals I saw there, but my favorite were the giraffes!

Too bad the elephants' habitat was being renovated at that time and that I was not able to watch a single show, but all in all, the zoo was the best one I've ever visited.


Florence said...

Kalingaw ba Shie uy! :) It's nice you were given a chance to explore Sydney too :) Murag comfy ka kaayo with the Koala hehehe

Tour Explora said...

Grrr you make me so envy :(

Mark Benson said...

The Taronga Zoo will delight your children after these flights to Sydney and all in all it will be a fabulous treat for your little ones. Educative and entertaining.